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About the Author James N. Butcher was born in West Virginia. He enlisted in the Army when he was 17 years old and served in the airborne infantry for 3 years, including a 1-year tour in Korea during the Korean War. After military service, he attended Guilford College, graduating in 1960 with a BA in psychology. He received an MA in experimental psychology in 1962 and a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium, in 1990 and an honorary doctorate from the University of Florence, Florence, Italy in 2005. He is currently professor emeritus in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota. He was associate director and director of the clinical psychology program at the university for 19 years. He was a member of the University of Minnesota Presss MMPI Consultative Committee, which under-took the revision of the MMPI in 1989. He was formerly the editor of Psychological Assessment, a journal of the American Psychological Association, and serves as consulting editor or reviewer for numerous other journals in psychology and psychiatry. Dr. Butcher has been actively involved in developing and organizing disaster response programs for dealing with human problems following airline disasters. He organized a model crisis intervention disaster response for the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport and organized and supervised the psychological services offered following two major airline disasters: Northwest Flight 255 in Detroit, Michigan, and Aloha Airlines on Maui. He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Society for Personality Assessment. He has published 55 books and more than 200 articles in the fields of abnormal psychology, cross-cultural psychology, and personality assessment. Jill M. Hooley is a professor of psychology at Harvard University. She is also the head of the experimental psychopathology and clinical psychology program at Harvard. Dr. Hooley was born in England and received a B.Sc. in Psychology from the University of Liverpool. This was followed by research work at Cambridge University. She then attended Magdalen College, Oxford, where she completed her D.Phil. After a move to the United States and additional training in clinical psychology at SUNY Stony Brook, Dr. Hooley took a position at Harvard, where she has been a faculty member since 1985. Dr. Hooley has a long-standing interest in psychosocial predictors of psychiatric relapse in patients with severe psychopathology such as schizophrenia and depression. Her research has been supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and by the Borderline Personality Disorder Research Foundation. She is currently using fMRI to study emotion regulation in people who are vulnerable to depression and in people who are suffering from borderline personality disorder. Another area of research interest is non-suicidal self-harming behaviors such as skin cutting or burning. In 2000, Dr Hooley received the Aaron T. Beck Award for Excellence in Psychopathology Research. She is currently the president of the Society for Research in Psychopathology. The author of many scholarly publications, Dr. Hooley is an Associate Editor for Applied and Preventive Psychology. She also serves on the editorial boards of several journals including the Journal of Family Psychology, Family Process, and Personality Disorders: Theory, Research and Treatment. At Harvard, Dr Hooley has taught graduate and undergraduate classes in introductory psychology, abnormal psychology, schizophrenia, mood disorders, psychiatric diagnosis, and psychological treatment. Reflecting her commitment to the scientist-practitioner model, she also does clinical work specializing in the treatment of people with depression, anxiety disorders, and personality disorders. Susan Mineka, born and raised in Ithaca, New York, received her undergraduate degree magna cum laude in psychology at Cornell University. She received a PhD in experimental psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, and later completed a formal clinical retraining program from 19811984. She taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and at the University of Texas at Austin before moving to Northwestern University in 1987. Since 1987 she has been Professor of Psychology at Northwestern and since 1998 she has served as Director of Clinical Training there. She has taught a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses, including introductory psychology, learning, motivation, abnormal psychology, and cognitive-behavior therapy. Her current research interests include cognitive and behavioral approaches to understanding the etiology, maintenance, and treatment of anxiety and mood disorders. She is currently a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, and the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. She has served as Editor of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology (19901994). She is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Emotion, and is on the editorial boards of several of the leading journals in the field. She was also President of the Society for the Science of Clinical Psychology (19941995) and was President of the Midwestern Psychological Association (1997). She also served on the American Psychological Associations Board of Scientific Affairs (19921994, Chair 1994), on the Executive Board of the Society for Research in Psychopathology (19921994, 20002003), and on the Board of Directors of the American Psychological Society (20012004). During 19971998 she was a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. Read moreAmazon com Abnormal Psychology Books A La Carte Edition 16th Edition 9780205965021 James N Butcher Jill M Hooley Susan M Mineka Books The most authoritative and comprehensive text in Abnormal Psychology now with DSM Study online flashcards and notes for Abnormal Psychology 16th Edition Author James N Butcher Jill M Hooley Susan M Mineka Abnormal Psychology 16th edition PDF Free Download Read online ISBN 0205944280 By James N Butcher and Jill M Hooley Download with Format PDF Susan M Mineka is the author of Abnormal Psychology 16th Edition published 2013 under ISBN 9780205944286 and ISBN 0205944280 Buy Abnormal Psychology 16th edition 9780205944286 by James N Butcher for up to 90 off at Textbooks com Abnormal Psychology Butcher 16th Edition Test Bank Click here to download the test bank INSTANTLY http www solutionsmanualtestbank com products 2014 01 16 ISBN 9780205944286 0205944280 Abnormal Psychology 16th Edition by James N Butcher Jill M Hooley Susan M Mineka Rent Abnormal Psychology 16th edition today or search our site for other textbooks by James N Butcher Every textbook comes with a 21 AbeBooks com Abnormal Psychology 16th Edition 9780205944286 by James N Butcher Jill M Hooley Susan M Mineka and a great selection of similar New Used and This text is an unbound three hole punched version For nearly four decades Abnormal Psychology Binder Ready Version 13th Edition has been a trusted resource for Editions for Abnormal Psychology 0205497918 Hardcover published in 2006 0205944280 2 downloads 16th Edition Kindle Edition 800 pages Author s Start studying Abnormal Psychology 16th Edition chapter 1 2 Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools The most authoritative and comprehensive text in Abnormal Psychology now with DSM Study sets matching butcher abnormal psychology Study sets Classes Users Abnormal Psychology Butcher 16th ed Chapter 1 ABAB design Abnormal Psychology Acute Abnormal Psychology Books a la Carte Plus NEW MyPsychLab with eText Find great deals on eBay for Abnormal Psychology Butcher in Education Textbooks Shop with confidence The 16th edition of Abnormal Psychology reflects the revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual DSM Rent Abnormal Psychology Books A La Carte Edition 16th edition today or search our site for other textbooks by James N Butcher Every textbook comes with a 21 AbeBooks com Abnormal Psychology 16th Edition New International Edition Premium quality books Ship via FedEx UPS DHL Delivery time is 3 Butcher Hooley Mineka Abnormal Psychology 16th ed Summary Ch 10 Find 9780205944286 Abnormal Psychology 16th Edition by Butcher et al at over 30 bookstores Buy rent or sell Study online flashcards and notes for Abnormal Psychology 14th Edition Author James N Butcher Susan Mineka Jill M Hooley Rent Abnormal Psychology 16th Edition instead of buying and save up to 90 CampusBookRentals com Your textbook rental source since 2007 Rent Abnormal Psychology 16th Edition instead of buying and save up to 90 CampusBookRentals com Your textbook rental source since 2007 Abnormal Psychology 16th Edition by James N Butcher Jill M Hooley Susan M Mineka Click here for the lowest price Hardcover 9780205944286 0205944280 The most authoritative and comprehensive text in Abnormal Psychology now with DSM The most authoritative and comprehensive text in Abnormal Psychology now with DSM Editions 1 through 11 published as Abnormal psychology and modern life 1st Abnormal Psychology 7th Edition pdf download Abnormal Psychology Download Book Medical See More Buy Abnormal Psychology 15th edition 9780205167265 by James N Butcher for up to 90 off at Textbooks com Read Book PDF Online Here http intratext com ebooksgratuits club book 0205944280PDF Abnormal Psychology 16th Edition Download Online Free Download Abnormal Psychology (16th Edition) di eBook PDF.
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